• To objectify the risk of overheating, a dynamic thermal simulation tool is used to determine hourly values of indoor operative temperature at room level (e.g. in living rooms, kitchens and bedrooms, or office spaces). In buildings without mechanical cooling systems (like central air conditioning), adaptive temperature limits are used in the summer months. This means that the maximum allowable temperature inside is linked to the weather outside: limits go up during warmer periods.
  • Requirements should be met for a minimum of 95% of occupied time.
  • The score is based on the weighted average of all evaluated rooms. Occupancy hours should be included in the weighting.

Total average score = total weighted score/total hours use

The total average score is based on multiplying the thermal comfort score for each room with the amount of hours spent in that room during a week (weekdays and weekend), then dividing by the total number of hours. In case no actual or predicted use numbers are available, use the default use hours in the table below.

This way, the rooms that are being used more intensively will contribute with higher weight.